Last post here: about 260 days ago. Talking about structure, flow, and processes (especially creative ones). I am still thinking about these things, which is good, but did not remember those specific thoughts, which was differently good.
I've been wanting to get back to mark-making on here for quite a while. I feel like I hobbled my way into the end of last year -- the whole back half of it, really -- without much in the way of spare capacity. So, I was thinking, but less (outside of the immediate thinking needed to do the things in front of me) than I like to.
I've been recovering a bit of that capacity lately -- and have been having the opposite problem, where I find stuff spiralling out of my brain because it's too 'full'. I had set aside some time to try to write up at least one of those, but may not, in fact, get to that today. It's been a full brain day.
This venue actually isn't *that* appropriate for a blog any more. I intend (at some mythical point where I have the time to effect it) to move off Squarespace (good, but too expensive as a recurring cost relative to what I need it for). But: it'll do for right now.
I'm wary of declaring my intent to get back to blogging and mark-making and then not doing so. I don't have a clear space for it in my routine right now, even as the urge has progressively built. So this is very much a carrier signal, or perhaps a dial tone. It creates the space for a message, communication, without requiring that it follow.