It's amazing how easy it can be to break a habit. I (rightly) took the week off this blog while on holiday. Last week was a little spotty, partly due to extrinsic reasons, but also due to the slight slipping of that habit. I was busy and head-deep in a bunch of different work and work-adjacent things, plus still trying to ramp back out of holiday mode, and it set up a higher barrier to entry to getting thoughts down for this.
Flash forward to today, and that's had a compounding effect. I'm feeling much more energetic than last week, but still, this feels tricky. Somewhere between a chore and something I don't quite have time to do.
(I am pleased that my brain is back in better shape so far this week vs the last few. This bodes additionally well since I will be reintroducing caffeine soon. I've definitely found myself having more 'off' days without the synthetic mental pep it gives. Which is something for continual examination (and part of the point of the exercise to begin with), but certainly something that will benefit me.)
August saw 19 posts on here. That should make this shard #78. By visual inspection, the posts with most connections are:
Ways of Being
Further heat-ravaged thinking about narrative units
What are we really talking about
A Chain of Thoughts on Fiction-First TTRPGs vs D&D
Legibility of life
Layers of Rules
Going low noise
This refers to cross-linking between post, not any kind of external backlinking or traffic measurement. In theory, these are the most joined-up parts of my thinking for this blog, and the things I keep referring back to. My method of arriving at this list isn't particularly scientific, and it looks at raw linking numbers rather than strictly backlinks. But it's interesting to see the ideas which have 'floated' the most in this way.